For the handful of you who actually read my blog, I apologize that I haven't been posting as regularly lately. Mostly it's because I've been feeling very lost and didn't feel like posting nothing but whining. :)
Actually, I don't even know if it would've been whining. I don't think I really knew what to say. And that doesn't make for very interesting blogging. :)
I feel like I'm going through this huge shift. I know I've been doing a lot of energy work on myself and with my own practitioner, but I think it's more than that. I didn't end up going to church for a month (which is really rare for me) because I was just feeling so disconnected from Spirit and life and everything. I've been doing a lot to sabotage myself, and have been aware of it, but felt unable to control doing it. It's been weird.
I've been trying to revive my meditation practice. I feel as if I need to stop and listen to what's going on for me, and maybe get the answers from there.
It's really hard to describe, and I know I'm doing a poor job of it.
Re-reading this, it sounds like I'm describing depression, but that's not it. I think what's happening is that I'm in a state of transition in many ways - physically, mentally and emotionally, and sometimes change is hard. It's often easier to shut down and run away than to deal with the change, even if it's good change. When I start to ignore self-care and eat poorly and don't take good care of myself, it's a way of shutting myself down.
I deserve better than that. I'm working on it.
So bear with me, please, if I sound a bit disjointed. I think it's all for the greater good, and I've just got to work some stuff out. I've got stuff I want to chat about here, but haven't had the energy to get into with the heat, on top of all of this.
It'll all work out. :)
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