I've been on a quest for a while to eliminate as much plastic in my life as I can, especially where food is involved.
As a former Tupperware salesperson, my house was filled to the rafters with plastic items. Well, until I started hearing about the dangers of plastics from a Green perspective - specifically, the dangers of BPAs (Bisphenol-A) and what happens when plastic is heated with food in it and the dangers that can come from it.
I was mostly successful with my conversion, except for one thing: cups big enough for my morning protein smoothies. Our glass drinking glasses were not large enough, and we'd continued to use our 30 oz. Tupperware tumblers. I know I wasn't using the cups for heating and storage, but in a perfect world I wanted to eliminate drinking out of the plastic, especially when I do it daily. It's not ideal when you spend your time making sure all your smoothie ingredients are organic and healthy, and then drink it out of plastic!
I was sitting in a vegan organic cafe near my house (Chaco Canyon), drinking a smoothie out of a stainless steel cup, and I decided to buy some from them for drinking glasses, but at 16 oz. they were still not large enough. But when I looked at the label on the cup, I realized that they were actually shaker cups (you know, for mixed bar drinks) and started searching online to see if they made them larger. Eureka! 26 oz. stainless shaker cups! At $2.99 each and reasonable shipping, I highly recommend them. (I don't receive any incentives if you purchase them at that link.) Food Service Warehouse also sells a 15 oz. version for $1.99.
Dishwasher safe, they don't stain or take on odors like plastic, and they are low profile and nest so nicely that they take up less room than the plastic or glass in my cabinets. Plus no nasty BPAs being added to your body. What's not to like?
I have BPA samples (and other toxic substance samples - all in energetic form so as not to be harmful to anyone) in my Health Kinesiology test kits, which I can use in corrections to help the body recognize it and learn how to process it out of our system. But it's always easier to keep things from happening than work to fix them later!
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