I was reading one of my favorite magazines, Body and Soul, and saw an ad for Wellness pet food, which is the only brand that I feed my kitty, Olias. This ad said, in part:
True Wellness
comes from an ideal nutritional balance – never ‘empty calories’True Wellness
is about being more than natural – Every ingredient has a purpose.True Wellness
means real quality control – only trustworthy sources.True Wellness
comes from carefully chosen, authentic ingredients.
These are the reasons I feed this food to my cat. I want him to eat wholesome, human-quality food. Look at that sweet face over there; doesn't he deserve that? But when I read this ad, I realized that there's a bit of a problem when my cat is eating better than me!
There's no reason I can't eat like this; don't I deserve that too? I know the convenience food that I eat is not always good for me, even the stuff I buy at the health food store. But, like many people, I'll make the excuse that I'm busy or tired, or I want to go out for a junk food "treat." I go long periods of time where I eat so well, and then life seems to get in the way and I revert to old habits. It's frustrating.
Reading this ad was a huge newsflash to me. Don't I deserve to treat myself as well as I treat my cat? Seriously? Don't we all?
My health kinesiology practitioner recently did a personalized nutrition work-up for me using muscle testing, and let me know what my body wanted to eat (and not eat) to help me function at my best. Real food - nutritious fruit, vegetables, proteins, grains. My body didn't ask for a bag of potato chips and a chai latte (imagine that!). This is why I started making changes like not eating dairy anymore, and no red meat - because my body asked for it. So sometimes I feel like I'm taking one step forward and two steps back. But it's a work in progress, and I haven't given up, so that's a good thing.
My baby step today was to skip my morning latte and instead eat a piece of fruit. What's one step you can take today towards treating yourself the way you deserve to be treated?
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