I had no idea that one could have survivor's guilt for owning an air conditioner. But yes, it's possible. :)
Seattle is recovering from record high temperatures. It had never been over 100 degrees before last week, when it hit 103 (or 104, depending on who you ask) last Wednesday. And the temps were between 80 and 100 for a long period of time. That doesn't sound very bad, except for the fact that I read that 85% of Seattle residents don't own air conditioners. And most of our public transportation does not have it as well. That was driven home when I got stuck in afternoon Mariner game traffic for an hour on a bus with no a/c, the temp outside being over 100 degrees, and no breeze in the bus because it wasn't moving due to traffic. Not fun.
I would come into work each day, and all my coworkers were getting kinda crazy as the week went on. Nobody was sleeping, and were sharing war stories about what high temperature it was in their house, what tricks they had to staying cool (my favorite was the wet t-shirt in the freezer), and how sleep-deprived and miserable they were all. Then they'd turn to me and say "so, how are you holding up." That's when I would look down, as if ashamed, and admit that we have air conditioning. We were lucky that the house we rent happened to come with one unit in the livingroom and one in the bedroom. It's been a godsend, let me tell you. I didn't want to gloat about having a/c, and I tried to keep it to myself, because I felt so incredibly guilty.
It was funny, actually, how guilty one could make themselves feel for having an air conditioner while the rest of the city suffered. It was interesting to live such a simple life that week, though. Since so many restaurants didn't even have a/c, we became hermits. It was really too hot to go wandering the streets any long distance, so we stayed at home. Cancelled plans. Decided to actually eat food we had in the house instead of going out to eat or buying something more *fun*. And I realized that I liked living this slowed-down, simple life.
I want to incorporate more of that in my day-to-day living. Today I'm enjoying some below-normal temperatures. It's overcast and 66 right now and I'm loving every minute of it. Time to stop feeling guilty and get outside and seize the day!
Around this time of year we start to experience something similar in San Diego, where Santa Ana winds blow in really, really hot and brittle air. Thats when everyone meets in the local supermarket deli to grab something for dinner because no one has the energy or can stand to heat a meal. I grew up w/o air conditioning in Virginia and just shake my head.
Posted by: Anne | Friday, August 07, 2009 at 06:22 AM
I cant begin to imagine no a/c in Virginia!BTW, Anne, I dont know if youre aware that you actually know me (other than just as a reader of your blog). I write this blog pretty much anonymously, so Ill be vague: Im your old penpal from way-back-when in NYC who visited with you when you came up for the marathon, and I came to visit you in NC many years ago - and your girls referred to me as the tic tac lady. :) You can send me an email through my profile if youd like, and we can chat some more.
Posted by: Health/Life Balance | Saturday, August 08, 2009 at 09:31 PM